Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii

Hi, hi.... So Corie is officially moving to England next week. Lets all give her a round of applause! I am so happy for her.
On another note, spring is here. 80 degrees today and partly cloudy. Went to the Farmer's market today, and guess what I found there..... orange mint and chocolate mint. Maile you were right they do sell that kind of mint. Who would have thought. So i bought one of each and can't wait to make homemade mint tea. With my dehydrator i can have plenty of mint in the winter months because like they say mint multiples. So today was successful if for not anything else then just finding the mint. I also went and got a spa pedicure with the MIL, which was fun and my feet needed it too. i got a pine green nail polish with sparkles in it. it reminds me of the nail polish I had at St. Patrick's Day last year. Corie you know the one I am talking about.

As for wedding stuff, well complicated! Did you know you can't pick a date until you know where you are going to get married...well i know now. So we don't have any idea where we are going to get married. I would like to get married outside near a lake or pond or any kind of water for that matter. I want to do most of the prep work for the wedding myself. I want to do the invitations, the table decor and what ever else I can do. The wedding day goes by so fast, but preparing for it takes a while so I want to enjoy everything i can. By the way I know what kind of desert we will have, Cupcakes from this place called Dolce. She makes fabulous cupcakes with rich buttercream frosting, yummy!
The budget for the wedding is low-cost. As low as possible because my parents are cheap and think$10,000 is too much money, plus they see well only 10 family members from my side will be coming so why do I have to pay all this money. Which is making everything quite stressful. So basically it comes down to them chipping in a little bit and us pitching in the rest. Oh, but wait my mom will buy my wedding dress, if it is on sale. just joking.

Work is going good. Playing at the park is one of my main activities these days. Yesterday we planted flowers and some veggies. Our veggies that we planted on Earth day are starting to come up. McQueen asked me yesterday what they need to grow? I told her water and sun. She said well they need love too! Yes, I said we give them love by watering them and putting them out in the sun. Too cute!

Last but not least... Happy May Day! This is celebrated in the Hawaiian Islands as a festival and people usually give flowers or Leis as a way to show their love to one another. In Hawaii, May Day is also known as Lei Day, and is normally set aside as a day to celebrate island culture in general and native Hawaiian culture in particular. While it was invented by a poet and a local newspaper columnist in the 1920s, it has since been adopted by state and local government as well as by the residents, and has taken on a sense of general spring celebration there. The first Lei Day was proposed in 1927 in Honolulu. Leonard "Red" and Ruth Hawk composed "May Day is Lei Day in Hawai'i," the traditional holiday song. Originally it was a contemporary fox trot, later rearranged as the Hawaiian hula song performed today. I love Lei Day. I remember when i was a little kid and was in school, we always had May Day celebration and had to do a hula dance to a particular song and the whole school got involved and did something memorable for this day. The song I danced to was One paddle Two paddle... something like that. I still can remember part of the dance too. Scary. Ok, so I am sure I bored you to death by now. Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand what you mean: your wedding day goes by so quickly and the best way to make the most of that one special day of yours is to do a lot of the prep work yourself. You are crafty like me, so it's not work - it's FUN! I hope some of those wedding links helped you and you are able to find a venue pretty soon. Anyway, you can do fun things now while you're waiting to find the right design your save the date cards so that they are ready to go out as soon as you pick your date. Or decide on your colors. I wish I was there to plan with you! We would have so much fun!

    Sounds like you are getting along famously with your MIL. Isn't it great that we both like ours? Makes life so much easier. :)

    Miss you. Hope you're having fun!

    ps....are you going to get a cat again?
