Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's been a while

Wow, it has been almost two weeks since I last posted. So a little update. I am changing the name of Little C to chunky monkey due to the obvious reason, he is so chunky. Also I refer to him as that when i tell other people about him.

So little E is growing so much. I take her swimming every chance I get. The other day we were swimming when she spotted a bug in the water. Now she can say bug very well. So I let the little lady bug crawl around on my hand. She was saying hi to the bug and trying to kiss him and then wanted the bug on her finger. So I let her hold it and she was pretty gentle. Later when it was time to send the bug on his way she was saying, "bye bug bye, bye bug bye," and then she blew kisses to the bug in the swimming pool. It was so cute I wish I had my video camera. On another day as I was leaving for the day. I was standing by the door talking to mom and then I was like bye E, she was leaning on the couch and like 10seconds later she bye. It was just so priceless they way Bye came out of her mouth. I love her.

She is teething this month getting some molars. So with that said she can be a grouch at some times. We were sitting on the couch watching Clifford the Big Red Dog. She loves dogs. Anyway she was sitting on my lap and all of sudden turned around and scratched me, with her one little finger. Ouch! I said loudly, gentle hands I told her. Then like 2 minutes later she turned around and hit me. No hitting I said, gentle hands. It was then I realized some Tylenol was needed and then off for a nap. Teething is scary!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Random Thoughts

On Sunday I was a life guard for a private party. The mom threw a over the top birthday for the kid who was turning three. There were over 50 people there and only about a third of them were children. Didn't make any saves which was good. The birthday boy did trying to go swimming with his hot dog though. There were lots of cute kids and cute chubby babies there too. Some of which I wanted to take home with me.

On the way home and after I was done parking my car. As I walked through the parking lot, my next door neighbor was walking out of the parking lot carrying her cat. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was taking her cat to the park. She didn't have her cat on a leash, she was just holding it. She told me her cat had never been outside before and she wanted her cat to know what it is like outside. I told her not to loose her cat at the park. So, who takes their inside cat to the park? It was so random. Ok, so parents don't have to just have kids. You can be a parent of animals too, but what would posse you to decide to take your cat to the park. I thought you had been keeping you cat inside because you wanted an inside cat. I tell you some people do some really weird things. I had to write about it, I thought it was funny weird.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Little man H

Today I watch H for about 3 hours. He is so funny! H is 2 1/2 yrs old. Today we went on a fish hunt trying to catch fish in the ocean with a little net. He kept seeing the fish and then asking me to get them, I tried and tried and finally explaining to him that it is just to hard. "They are too fast," I told him. "Why?" he would say. They are just to fast! "Why?" he would say again, over and over we would go on about the why. Then we caught a baby crab and he want to take it out of the next, I told him he had to be careful because he didn't want the crab to pinch his fingers. "Why?" he asked. It will hurt if he pinches your finger and then you will have a boo-boo. Finally we headed back to the house where he happened upon some girls. His face lit up and he was so excited to see the girls. He followed them around and told them what he was doing, he had fun following them around. It was so cute to watch. He is going to be a heart breaker.
When we got back in the house he was worn out. What a fun day with the little man.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Little E

Today I got to watch E. She is growing so big so fast. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter every time I see her. Well, today I got to take her swimming. I had introduced her to the water at a young age, 3 months. Got her used to putting her head under and water in her eyes. Today she was holding her breath and swimming under the water for about 7 seconds. We would be playing and next thing I know she is swimming under water, moving her arms and legs trying to swim. I was so impressed to think I had something to do with helping her learn to swim. I am so proud of her, she is growing into such a brave and smart little girl. She is 18months and can talk sentences with 2 or 3 words in them. She can do sign language, she knows about 30 signs at least. The cutest phrases she says are, "Up please", "More please". I can't wait to go back another day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nanny Jobs

I thought you should know that I have a couple of nanny jobs that I go to during the week. My full-time family is Tuesday through Friday with six month old C. Occasionally I babysit for twin girls who are 16months. Sometimes I watch E who is 18months. Then on some nights I work for an agency who sends me to different hotels to baby-sit for people on vacation.

So last night I went to an agency job, where I found myself watching a 2yr old and a 6month old. The 2yr old had great speaking skills, I could understand most of what she was saying, although she was so petite, her sister almost out weighed her. Crazy!! Formula fed, that explains every chunky baby I run into. I can't figure out why parents think it is ok to give their baby that. is like junk food for infants. At least give you baby organic formula so that they don't ingest all the toxins that are in the regular formula. Ok, enough rambling. So back to the kids, they were so cute, read books, played with play dough and built with blocks. Bedtime came and went and all went well. Parents came home and payed me, but dad didn't tip. He wanted to give me exact change so we purposely walk down to the lobby with me and asked for change for his $20 and then gave me $5 of it. Thank me graciously for my service and off to me car I went.
Wait a minute, didn't I just watch your children for 5 hours, keep them safe, feed them and entertain them. You didn't know me, I could have taken your kids home with me, but I didn't. How is it that people tip the waiter that brought you your food and took your order, but the lady that watched your most prized possessions doesn't get any kind of tip, not even a dollar. I don't get it. Now these days I don't normally expect a tip, a big tip anyway. But at least $10 would have been nice. Ok, enough for now.