Wow, it has been almost two weeks since I last posted. So a little update. I am changing the name of Little C to chunky monkey due to the obvious reason, he is so chunky. Also I refer to him as that when i tell other people about him.
So little E is growing so much. I take her swimming every chance I get. The other day we were swimming when she spotted a bug in the water. Now she can say bug very well. So I let the little lady bug crawl around on my hand. She was saying hi to the bug and trying to kiss him and then wanted the bug on her finger. So I let her hold it and she was pretty gentle. Later when it was time to send the bug on his way she was saying, "bye bug bye, bye bug bye," and then she blew kisses to the bug in the swimming pool. It was so cute I wish I had my video camera. On another day as I was leaving for the day. I was standing by the door talking to mom and then I was like bye E, she was leaning on the couch and like 10seconds later she bye. It was just so priceless they way Bye came out of her mouth. I love her.
She is teething this month getting some molars. So with that said she can be a grouch at some times. We were sitting on the couch watching Clifford the Big Red Dog. She loves dogs. Anyway she was sitting on my lap and all of sudden turned around and scratched me, with her one little finger. Ouch! I said loudly, gentle hands I told her. Then like 2 minutes later she turned around and hit me. No hitting I said, gentle hands. It was then I realized some Tylenol was needed and then off for a nap. Teething is scary!!
Peer Support Group
9 years ago